
Saturday, May 4, 2013


April is over!!
April is always special for me, for its good and bad times.

April, bulan ini sebenernya bikin saya galau.
April, juga bikin saya sedih.
April, selalu ada janji-janji yang saya buat dan saya ingkari sendiri. hihihi...

People dont have to know and remember. All that I need is a good wishes and prays.
Surprise was just a lil' bonus from my special day.

Thank you so much my friends-best friends!!
Thank you for the gift-surprise-wishes-prays.
Thank you for your calling - text.

Bandung, thank you. Another 'sweet home' you gave to me :)

Ps. Semua makan-makan atas dasar patungan yang ulang tahunnya berdekatan ;)

"The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance"
- Brian Tracy - 

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate"
- Oprah Winfrey -


Anonymous said...

Eciee kuning kuning

miwwa said...

Happy birthday, Dhani!! :D

Komunitas Rumah Sahabat said...

Assalamu'' allaikum Wr Wb ? ma'af mbak saya numpang share link ini dan terima kasih